Connecticut Construction Accident Victim Wins Substantial Settlement for Injuries




New Haven, CT (Law Firm Newswire) December 7, 2011 – Connecticut personal injury law firm Stratton Faxon recently obtained the highest pre-trial settlement in the state for a man injured by a construction accident that left him a paraplegic. The Connecticut trial law firm attorneys are poised to win $23.35 million for Benjamin Wohlfert that will help to pay for the extensive medical care he will need for the rest of his life.

Wohlfert worked at a Stop & Shop work site in Canaan, Conn. while it was under construction under the job foreman, Gerald Bates. Wohlfert was a subcontractor with no construction experience and was only a temporary worker. Bates made Wohlfert ride in a makeshift trash box on a forklift to get a tool on the roof. But when the forklift was at full extension, the box broke. One worker was able to get on the roof but Wohlfert did not make it in time. He fell and severed his spine when he hit the ground.

Connecticut Personal Injury Law Firm Stratton Faxon

Connecticut Personal Injury Law Firm Stratton Faxon

“Sadly for Ben, nobody was concerned about his safety on that unfortunate St. Patrick’s Day in 2006,” said Connecticut personal injury attorney Joel T. Faxon. “I think Bates was more interested in getting to the liquor store than getting the job done properly and safely. Now my client, a man still in his prime and father of two girls, has to live with the consequences of Bates’ stupidity every day for the rest of his life.”

Bates, who worked for the general contracting company Pyramid Construction, knew that the forklift was not appropriate for lifting humans. Bates and the company were not strangers to OSHA violations in the past, either. Their legal representatives claimed Bates had temporary insanity for the lack of judgment at the site, but the courts did not buy that argument.

“The reason the settlement is so high is because his injuries are so severe and there’s a massive amount of future medical expenses,” said Faxon. “Ben is left with no feeling in his legs, is prone to skin ulcers, and has had to go into the hospital to treat infections and be monitored.”

To learn more, visit the Connecticut personal injury law firm at

Stratton Faxon
59 Elm Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Call: 203.624.9500

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