Florida Legislature Will Tackle Big Alimony Law Changes in 2012

Law Firm Newswire



Zephyrhills, FL (Law Firm Newswire) December 28, 2011 – The Florida Legislature may look at two bills in 2012 that could potentially reshape the Sunshine State’s alimony laws.

State Rep. Ritch Workman of Melbourne and State Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla of Miami, both Republicans, have introduced bills into the State House and State Senate that would dramatically decrease the amount of alimony some Floridians would have to pay, according to Florida Alimony Reform. This is yet another change in an ongoing attempt to limit alimony. There were several changes made in the last two legislative sessions, which reveal the intense focus on reducing and/or eliminating alimony.

The proposed bills, H.B. 549 and S.B. 748, seek to amend the current alimony rules in Florida in many ways. Among the changes, the laws would limit the maximum time duration for alimony based on the length of the marriage, cap alimony at 20 percent of the payer’s income and terminate alimony upon full retirement age.

“These new laws would have a dramatic effect on divorce law in the state,” said Zephyrhills family law attorney Marcie Baker.

The proposed changes also would allow people who have been paying alimony to go back to court to rework their agreement after the new laws take place.

“Retroactively changing existing alimony agreements would come with a lot of complications,” Baker said. “So many life decisions are made based in part on these agreements. I see changing the negotiated alimony deals as a significant legal obstacle.”

Along with allowing modifications to current agreements, the proposed law changes would prohibit using a current spouse’s income or assets in the new deal. Lastly, the new laws would revise cohabitation standards and would rewrite the way alimony is seen in the tax code.

To contact a Zephyrhills divorce lawyer or Zephyrhills child custody attorney, visit https://www.alstonbakerlaw.com.

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