Legal Rainmakers LLC Opens to Deliver Value and Bottom Line Results When Quality Interactions Matter

Law Firm Newswire



Dallas, TX (Law Firm Newswire) December 30, 2011 – At Legal Rainmakers, empowering attorneys to achieve rainmaking greatness is king. “We believe that, to succeed in these economic times, challenging the status quo with actions that are fundamentally different is critical,” says Samuel E. Joyner, Esq., founder and President of Legal Rainmakers LLC which opens its doors on January 2. Growing a successful business requires keeping good clients and finding better ones. “To get business,” Sam asserts, “you need to know how to do it (‘the process’), not just what to do (‘get business’).” Marketing efforts alone historically yield an unacceptably low return on investment compared to the cost. “Rainmaking, on the other hand,” maintains Sam, “is a teachable, learnable, and repeatable process that continually yields a high return especially when measured over an attorney’s career.” That said, Sam thinks “consulting firms should be judged by results, not entertaining personalities or clever sound bites.”

Rainmaking Redefined.

Legal Rainmakers LLC

At Legal Rainmakers, rainmaking has nothing to do with talking others into things. “Rainmaking properly defined is learning and teaching,” says Sam. “Learning what clients want (and need) and helping them get it. And teaching clients along the way something that they did not know in a manner that informs, involves, engages, and provokes thought.” The rainmaker’s thought leadership is to educate, not to persuade. In short, Sam claims “rainmakers don’t sell their legal services—they help clients buy them.”

Believe. Think. Originate.

Legal Rainmakers LLC is a Dallas-based consulting firm that helps attorneys grow their business through two primary offerings. THE RAINMAKER’S EDGE™ process is the first of its kind, providing attorneys with a systematic way to build meaningful and lasting one-on-one relationships that yield successful results. Its unique strategy equips attorneys with a specific, concrete process they can count on to establish, build, and maintain valuable relationships with people with whom they don’t naturally connect. The THINK LIKE A CLIENT, NOT AN ATTORNEY™ process is a one-of-a-kind method that teaches attorneys exactly how to marry the right mind-set and relationship-building with an effective buying process to achieve rainmaking greatness.

Empowering the next generation of rainmakers.

Building sticky business relationships is a skill that every attorney can master since they already know instinctively what the process requires. And every attorney can buy-in to actions that are consistent with the person they see themselves as being and still accomplishes the business goal—i.e., learning and teaching. Legal Rainmakers partners with law firms, attorneys, and law students to determine where change is needed and then provides the expertise, knowledge, and experience to develop the strategy, training, and consulting to accelerate business growth.

For more information about what Legal Rainmakers LLC can do for your law firm or practice, visit or contact Sam Joyner at 214.494.1543.

Legal Rainmakers LLC
3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600
Dallas, Texas 75204

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