More Political Gaffes on the Campaign Trail about Immigration Reform Says Miami Immigration Lawyer

Law Firm Newswire



Miami, FL (Law Firm Newswire) February 8, 2012 – If political candidates stuck to what they actually believed in, they would likely not get elected. The campaign trail is littered with political flip flops.

“It shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that a politician will change what they say depending on who they want to vote for them,” said Larry S. Rifkin, managing partner at Rikfin & Fox-Isicoff, an immigration law firm with Miami immigration lawyers and Orlando immigration lawyers. “However, it would be nice if they stopped thinking the American public is dimwitted enough to ‘not’ remember what they said before they said what they are saying ‘now’ in hopes of garnering votes.”

One prime example of a candidate that has done a remarkable job of sticking his foot in his mouth is Mitt Romney. He recently made out that Newt Gingrich was soft on immigration and trying to open a new door to amnesty. Odd. Romney once said the same thing – that those who had been in the U.S. a long time as illegals should be granted citizenship.”Well, which is it?” asked Rifkin, pointing out that Romney said in 2005 that undocumented immigrants contribute to the U.S. economy and society.

One year later, Romney then stated immigrants in the U.S. illegally would not be rounded up and sent home, but rather encouraged to start the process of applying for registration for citizenship or they should go home. While saying these golden words, he then refused to have anything to do with his advisory committee on immigrants and refugees. Yet another case of a politician saying one thing and doing another. “I often wonder if they think we won’t notice the discrepancies between what they say and what they actually do,” Rifkin remarked.

In reality, Romney has not been noted to be immigrant friendly and is a known hardliner on the immigration issue. He vetoed legislation that would have provided affordable tuition for in-state illegals, gave a thumbs down on allowing undocumented aliens to have driver’s licenses, fought against having education in Spanish in public schools and called for a federal investigation into companies that supposedly hired illegal workers.

Flash forward to 2007 and the media is reporting that Romney feels illegals should be able to sign up for citizenship but not be given any special considerations that they can stay in the country permanently just because they came to the U.S. illegally.

“For those trying to follow this presidential hopeful on the immigration issue, Romney’s flip flops might be seen as the evolution of what he ‘really’ thinks, as opposed to what he said. They may also be seen as a lack of integrity and comprehension of the true state of the immigration system, which voters may not appreciate. Would he move forward with fixing the immigration system should he be elected president? Not likely,” suggested Rifkin.

To learn more or to contact an Orlando immigration attorney or Miami immigration attorney, visit

Rifkin & Fox-Isicoff, P.A.
1110 Brickell Avenue
Suite 210
Miami, Florida 33131
Toll Free: (866) 681-0202

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