If It Is Not Texting While Driving, It Is Webbing, an Equally Deadly Distraction

Law Firm Newswire



Austin, TX (Law Firm Newswire) January 22 , 2013 – If it is not one thing, it is another. The next distracted driving reason is ‘webbing.’

“I am not too surprised to learn there is yet another way to drive while distracted,” acknowledged Austin personal injury attorney Bobby Lee, of Lee, Gober and Reyna in Austin, Texas. “It had to happen with all the technology being thrown at us today, and most of it being used while driving. The latest is dubbed ‘webbing’ and it means surfing the Internet while driving.”

While many people might shake their heads to think someone would be brainless enough to surf the web while driving, consider the story of the trucker watching a porn flick on his laptop, who killed a mother and her baby, or the tale of the train engineer who ran his engine off the rails, injuring hundreds, and killing him, because he was texting and missed the proper signals.

According to State Farm insurance, webbing is on the rise. They recently polled over 4,000 drivers in the 18-year-old and up to 29-years-old category and found that 48 percent of them surfed while driving. It was only 29 percent in 2009. Now, thanks to more and brighter smartphones, webbing is catching on like wildfire. The problem is that while the phone may be smart, it appears the driver using it, while behind the wheel driving, is not so much.

“What are these people doing? They are checking social media sites, and by the looks of the rest of the statistics, older adults are also starting to do the same thing. “The true definition of insanity is someone checking Facebook or Twitter while driving. What are they thinking? That the car will drive itself safely? That’s not going to happen,” Lee stated.

While law enforcement and legislators are focused on reducing or banning texting while driving, a new problem is taking its place; the increased use of other mobile web services while behind the wheel. Cellphones and smartphones are one thing, mobile devices with access to the Internet are another. The use of technology in vehicles is getting out of hand, as no one thinks about safety issues. “How many deaths will it take to drive home that point?” asked Lee.

To learn more, visit Austin personal injury lawyer and https://www.rwleelaw.com.

Lee, Gober and Reyna
11824 Jollyville Road, Suite 302
Austin, Texas 78759
Phone: 512.478.8080

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