Racial Discrimination Is Still Alive In California States Employee Rights Lawyer

Law Firm Newswire



Sacramento, CA (Law Firm Newswire) October 8, 2013 – Racial discrimination has never been something that any nation is proud to proclaim exists within its borders.

While the labor law in California attempts to find a delicate balance between the employer and the employee’s rights, much of this balancing act is undone by the unfortunate occurrence of discrimination in many forms.

Also called racial prejudice, racial discrimination is something that people would like to think went out with the advent of the human rights movement. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case in many workplaces in California. “Although the law clearly states that a person may not be discriminated against because they are a different race, unfortunately there are many companies – even today in the 21st century – who go out of their way to make things difficult for someone to be treated fairly at work,” stated Deborah Barron of the Barron Law Office in Sacramento, California.

Some of these discriminatory acts include things such as adverse hiring procedures weighted against certain racial categories, the assignment of difficult or dirty tasks to those of color, a greater workload for those individuals, lower salaries, fewer benefits, fewer chances at, or no chance of promotion, and lack of training that others are required to have for the job.

Several other areas where discrimination may rear its ugly head also include not allowing those of color the same access to company facilities and equipment, not offering them the same kind of support and access to dispute resolution opportunities and terminating them for vague reasons and hiring a white person to replace them. “While many of these activities may look innocent enough on the surface, when all of them are taken into consideration during an investigation, it’s hard not assume there is evidence of racial discrimination,” said Barron.

There are two types of discrimination a worker may face on the job and those include disparate treatment and disparate impact. Disparate treatment mainly refers to acts of discrimination that an employer perpetrates against a person of a different race. Those acts might involve insults and offensive remarks that create an intolerable workplace.

Disparate impact refers to the company implementing rules and regulations that exclude certain classes of individuals applying for a job, asking for promotion or a raise.

The bottom line is that racial discrimination laws guarantee protection for workers who have faced harassment or have been fired from their jobs because of their race. “Consulting with a knowledgeable attorney will go a long way towards getting justice in situations like this,” commented Deborah Barron of the Barron Law Office in Sacramento, California.

Learn more at http://www.lawbarron.com/