Failure to Prescribe Anticoagulant May Have Cost James Nash’s Death

Law Firm Newswire



Southfield, MI (Law Firm Newswire) October 13, 2015 – James Nash went to hospital in 2013 for a groin abscess. He subsequently collapsed in a hospital bathroom and died.

According to the medical malpractice, wrongful death lawsuit filed by Alice Nash, the mother of the deceased, the doctor who treated her son was allegedly negligent in not properly treating James for clotting after his surgery.

The complaint alleges Dr. Harrypersaud Singh admitted James Nash one weekend in May 2013. He then left the hospital for the weekend and Singh’s replacement ordered a pneumatic device to prevent clotting after the groin surgery. The doctor left a note on file that he was at moderate risk for developing blood clots due to his obesity. However, no anticoagulant was prescribed.

Four days after surgery, Nash was advised he could go home, and was shaving in the hospital bathroom when he collapsed and died. He most likely died from a pulmonary embolism, a preventable death had the right measures been in place to care for him.

The lawsuit (Jefferson County District Court case number E-197411) names Singh responsible for Nash’s suffering, pain, medical bills, funeral and burial costs, loss of earnings and loss of support and companionship to surviving family members.

“The Nash family may have been interested in researching litigation funding,” said Daren Monroe, a representative for Litigation Funding Corporation, Michigan. “They would have found out that their medical bills and other costs would have been covered by pre-settlement funding, which they would likely have been approved to receive.”

A plaintiff needs to have an attorney before applying for litigation funding, but once that process is complete and the application is approved, the lawsuit loan is sent directly to the plaintiff. The funds usually arrive within 24 to 48 hours after a plaintiff has been approved for pre-settlement funding. Litigation funding is most commonly used in personal injury cases, but there are other instances in which it may be used, such as commercial disputers, civil rights and workers’ compensation cases.

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