Athletes Behaving Badly While DWI – Texas Rangers Jeremy Jeffress Arrested

Law Firm Newswire



Austin, TX (Law Firm Newswire) October 7, 2016 – Athletes are held up to higher standards because of their fame. When fame and alcohol mix, the results are not always good.

It is never a great idea to drink and drive. It does not matter if the person drinking is a famous movie star, football player, a television personality or well-known politician. The laws apply to them and anyone else drinking and driving, or thinking about DWI.

A recent DWI arrest for reckless driving created a great deal of embarrassment for the Texas Rangers and their player who was stopped and asked to take the roadside sobriety test. According to police records pitcher Jeremy Jeffress was stopped one recent morning at approximately 2:30 a.m. near Cedar Springs Road and Maple Avenue. He had allegedly abruptly changed lanes without using his signals and almost ran into another vehicle.

Jeffress was pulled over by a police officer and the subsequent report indicated he had bloodshot, glassy, watery eyes and smelled of alcohol. The Texas Rangers player admitted, while performing the roadside test that he had consumed at least 3 or 4 cups of Coca-Cola mixed with Hennessy cognac. Apparently unable to maintain his balance, he also urinated on himself.

“It’s bad enough that Jeffress was arrested for DWI and reckless driving, but the rest of his actions are likely to follow him for some time to come. One can only hope that such a public revelation of his behavior may stop him from drinking and driving while impaired,” said Austin plaintiff’s DWI attorney, Bobby Lee of Lee, Gober & Reyna.

To learn more, visit Lee, Gober & Reyna 11940 Jollyville Road #220-S Austin, Texas 78759 Phone: 512.478.8080
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