Many Vets Seek Medicinal Help via Marijuana




Legal Help for Veterans is a law firm helping veterans get the benefits they deserve.

Northville, MI (Law Firm Newswire) January 4, 2019 – Michigan has had medical marijuana laws in place for several years, and voters recently approved legalizing recreational marijuana. For many veterans suffering from PTSD, legal marijuana is a welcome relief from prescription drugs and painkillers for related trauma. Federal law bans its use, even among veterans seeking help via the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical services.

“Medicine in the 2st century includes medical marijuana in its many forms. Yet, antiquated federal laws mean many veterans cannot obtain it through their VA doctors,” veterans benefits attorney James G. Fausone said. “That adds a lot of confusion about potential impact on veterans benefits when veterans choose to buy from state-authorized sellers. Fortunately, no veteran can lose VA benefits for medicinal use of marijuana.”

Veterans can use medical marijuana to treat PTSD symptoms and other ongoing medical problems related to their military service by utilizing state-approved dispensaries. That is despite the U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifying marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, along with heroin, LSD, ecstasy and other illicit drugs. In the federal government’s point of view, marijuana and other Schedule 1 drugs have no significant medicinal value due to a high potential for drug abuse.

That viewpoint prevents the VA from allowing its medicinal use through VA hospitals and other federal health care providers that serve veterans. The closest a veteran can get to medical marijuana treatment through the VA or other federal facility is a prescription for CBD, which is a naturally occurring cannabinoid used to treat pain without the intoxicating effect of THC.

Veterans seeking additional relief via recreational and medical marijuana can utilize the state’s many licensed dispensaries to obtain their medicine. Doing so will not interfere with federal VA benefits, regardless the federal government’s view on marijuana’s legality.

Learn more at Legal Help for Veterans, PLLC 41700 West Six Mile Road, Suite 101 Northville, MI 48168 Toll Free Phone: 800.693.4800
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