Topics of National Interest Improve Local Search Engine Results

Local news marker

Many lawyers think that news releases are only relevant to them if the news pertains to their local area or state. While it is true that local topics do help with optimization, writing about national topics can also help improve local search engine results.

National news, particularly relating to topics generating substantial interest, captures more attention on a broader scale. Releases on such subjects are picked up widely and distributed on news wires that extend far beyond your community. Such a release offers exposure for your law firm’s name and website, which in turn boosts your local search rankings.

For example, consider national news on transvaginal mesh implants. Many women are filing lawsuits for compensation for the defective product that has damaged their bodies and their lives. If your law firm is in Texas, a news release with national statistics and up-to-date information about verdicts increases exposure for your law firm. In addition, it may draw those seeking representation for personal injuries and those who represent them.

Law firm name “mentions” (also called citations) are a factor in the ranking algorithms for major search engines. The more times your law firm is mentioned in relation to a particular story, the higher you may rank.

These mentions also help search engines learn who you are through context — that your site does indeed represent Smith & Smith Law Office — and that you are who you say you are. Citations validate your law office’s status as a business in your community, which also improves your local search engine rankings. National news releases that build mentions can be beneficial to your firm in many ways.